Your car’s radiator problems and how to solve it?

Your car’s radiator problems and how to solve it?

Your car’s radiator problems and how to solve it?

Radiators are heat exchangers. The coolant is pumped around the engine, picking up heat energy as it traverses around the different parts and systems. The radiator, which is usually made out of aluminium or some highly conductive metal, then pipes this coolant into thin tubes (often known as fins) which are exposed to the air rushing through the front of the car. The outside of the metal is cooled down, which dissipates the heat energy of the coolant – in turn cooling down the liquid. This cold liquid is then recirculated in the engine, to pick up more heat, and further aid the cooling process.

Because the radiator uses thin tubes and a coolant pump system, it is prone to failure and blockages over time. Many problems that occur in the radiator can be resolved with early action and proper diligence. Because the radiator is so important to the engine, keeping one eye on its performance should be a concern for every car owner.

When the radiator fails – the car will most likely overheat. You may see steam rising from the engine or the temperature gauge constantly telling you that the engine is getting too hot. Normally cars will operate around 90c-105c – if they start getting hotter, damage can occur throughout the engine. Be aware that in the summer, your temperatures are likely to creep over the high heat mark, due to the warmer weather. However, consistent readings from your heat gauge should be taken as an indicator there is some kind of problem with the radiator.

If you are experiencing consistent overheating, then it could be due to the radiator corroding internally due to rust, build ups of internal deposits, or debris preventing the coolant circulating properly within the engine.

Address the problem immediately as fixing a radiator is likely to be less expensive than repairing other major parts in the engine that will be damaged by inefficient cooling. Firstly, however you can check and replace the coolant at home, and see if this has any effect, to ensure that it’s not simply an issue with dirty or old coolant. If replacing the coolant has no effect, then get to a mechanic to have the radiator checked out.

Have you observed patches of brightly coloured coolant in the areas where your car has been parked overnight? This could be due to leaks or cracks in the radiator. 

The housing or cooling fins in the radiator can accrue damage over time, especially if the radiator becomes clogged due to severe rust build up. Using low quality coolant or tap water, rather than distilled water, can add contaminants to the coolant that increase the chances of rust build up. Failure to regular flush the radiator can also increase rust.

If you do not address problems with the coolant system quickly, this could lead to knock on damage in the engine due to overheating. 

If your coolant appears discoloured – often a rusty oil colour – then you need to investigate further as this can mean it’s not circulating correctly in your engine. 

Over time as problems occur in the radiator, this can prevent the coolant circulating effectively within the engine, leading to sludge building up within the system. One cause can be a transmission cooler problem inside the radiator. Over time the barrier between the transmission fluid and coolant erodes causing contamination.

Firstly, i you can perform a radiator flush to get rid of the old coolant as this may resolve the issue. If this fails to resolve the problem, be aware there can be many causes of coolant contamination within your engine. 

The radiator pumps hot coolant into the thin metal pipes in the fins at the front of the car. The cold air then quickly cools the metal and in turn reduces the heat of the coolant inside. This is the key mechanism that allows the car to regulate heat. If these become blocked, the air can’t circulate as well, reducing the potential heat loss.

Fortunately this is one of the simpler problems on our list to fix. Remove any cover on the radiator, and use a garden hose with a diffuser nozzle to wash out any debris stuck in the radiator.

One for the cold weather? Are you noticing that the engine has been running for a while, but there’s not enough heat coming out of the rear heating vents? You could actually be looking at a problem with a clogged radiator.

If the radiator’s heater core is clogged or has a leak, then a lack of hot coolant in the radiator core can lead to a failure to heat enough air to raise the temperature in the rear of the car.

Check the thermostat to ensure that this is not the principle problem. If the thermostat seems to be operating properly, then you need to get the radiator checked out.

Noticing problems with your car overheating at high revs, or at high speed out on the open road? Although this problem is difficult to diagnose, it could be due to a collapsed radiator hose.

Most hose collapses are caused by a faulty radiator cap creating a vacuum. In most cases this problem can be overcome by simply cleaning out the old radiator cap or purchasing a new one. 

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