Useful tips for wheel bolts

Useful tips for wheel bolts

Useful tips for wheel bolts

Although the mounting of wheels onto a vehicle is generally self-explanatory, problems occur time and time and again in practice. The risks associated with an incorrectly tightened wheel are often underestimated. In order to avoid these risks, some aspects should be considered.

During driving, the bolted connection of the wheel should absorb all dynamic loads, in particular vibrations, so the wheel, brake disc, and hub all behave like a singular part. To accomplish this, a standard tension force must be generated. This is defined as the force required to tighten a bolt in the axial direction.

The torque which is used to produce the standard tension force of the bolt during assembly generates a tensile strength in the thread. This leads to an elastic extension of the bolt and to a shortening of the wheel rim. 

If the wheel bolt is tightened with a lower torque than prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer, the required standard tension force is not achieved. Under load, this results in component vibration. The consequences can include the loosening of the bolt and, in the worst case scenario, the loss of the wheel.

In the case of wheel fastenings being tightened without a torque wrench, it can be assumed that the screw is tightened too tightly. This leads to the elongation of the wheel bolt or to the compression of aluminum rims in particular.

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