Original Spare Parts Improve Your Service Shop's Reputation

Original Spare Parts Improve Your Service Shop's Reputation

Original Spare Parts Improve Your Service Shop's Reputation

Those who gave their years to the automobile world know that almost everything has a cheaper alternative. Cheaper parts, cheaper accessories, and of course, cheaper workmanship.

In some cases, some of these cheap solutions may be lifesaving. Sometimes, a tiny repair may prevent high expenses. 

However, cheap solutions are not always useful. Those who rely on cheap solutions face far higher costs later on.

The same goes for spare parts. In vehicle maintenance, the use of cheaper alternatives of lower quality instead of original spare parts causes the vehicle owner to pay higher amounts later on, and you, as an automobile service shop, to fall into disrepute.

Why You Should Use Original Spare Parts at Your Service Shop 

Today's automobiles are wonders of engineering. The use of the tiniest bolt in automobiles is a result of engineering studies conducted.  Considering even modern automobiles have several complex systems which have to work in harmony, it can be concluded that stepping out of the engineering line followed in the automobile's design is not much of a smart move. For a safe, durable automobile that offers maximum performance, you need to stick with its original construction.

Using original spare parts with proven quality that were manufactured specifically for the automobile you work on, you can preserve the automobile's original condition without taking unnecessary risks.

Can the Counterfeit Replace the Original?

As Mando, we work in collaboration with the leading automobile manufacturers and manufacture top-quality automobile parts as a result of intense R&D processes. Original spare parts manufactured by us are designed based on the construction of the automobile concerned and undergo numerous quality tests. The blue box you receive from Mando Aftermarket hosts not only the spare part but also the outcome of years-long efforts and quality controls.

A cheaper alternative spare part manufactured under unknown conditions, on the other hand, brings along risks both for you and your customer.

Use Original Spare Parts and Increase Your Income 

At the first glance, you may think that offering cheap spare parts to your customers will lead to your customer's increased dependence on you as well as to higher profits generated via spare part sales. But remember that when even a single one among those cheap parts you use fails, your customer will need to make more expenses and get the same part again and that cheap spare parts may cause other problems, and as a result, it will damage your service shop's reputation.

By using original spare parts offered by Mando Aftermarket, 

  • You get rid of looking for parts and access a wide portfolio of spare parts at any time you want.
  • You do not need to worry about part compatibility. Spare parts procured from Mando Aftermarket perfectly fit the vehicle under maintenance.
  • You have peace of mind, as you know parts supplied by Mando Aftermarket will not cause other problems.
  • Customer satisfaction is improved. You gain reputation by providing your customers with an economical and reliable solution in the long run.

Do not risk your customers' safety and your service shop's reputation. Avoid offering cheap spare parts to your customers, like you do not provide them with a cheap service. Let original spare parts be profitable both for you and your customers.

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We as Mando Aftermarket participated in the event ’’N! Business Forum 2020’

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