The Kick-off for Halla Corporation Europe
All automotive parts which Mando Aftermarket produces, should be transported to Europe, Russia, Africa and Central Asia with the help of Turkey
Are electric vehicles eco-friendly because they do not emit carbon? Half right and half wrong. Electric vehicles emit no carbon while driving. However, the manufacturing process emits carbon.
According to “Tesla 2020 Impact Report”, the Tesla Model 3 produced more carbon than a comparable internal combustion engine vehicle.
Considering the total amount of carbon emitted by a car over its lifetime, this is a level that cannot be ignored. A clean manufacturing processcan be said to be true eco-friendly mobility, right? As a result, automakers are changing the way their production plants operate in their own way.
By the end of 2019, Tesla only produced electric vehicles in California, USA. As a result, a large amount of carbon was emitted during product transportation. As a solution to this, Tesla is currently localizing production and supply chains by estabilishing electric vehicle produciton plants in each region, including China.
Hyundai Motor Company has introduced an unmanned transport system in its smart factory. They carry battery packs along a set route and drive autonomously. We have optimized the size of the plant by minimizing the movement of unmanned transport devices, while reducing energy by estabilishing an efficient operating system.
Mercedes-Benz is producing eco-friendly power by installing solar panels on the roofs of its factories. The electricity obtained in this way is equivalent to 30% of the annual electricity consumption of the plant. In addition, we are saving eco-friendly power by recycling car batteries.
This carbon emission reduction movementis expanding auto parts industry. Global automakers are demanding that parts suppliers participate in carbon neutrality.
Mando, which supplies parts to most global automobiles, is carrying out enegy-saving activities within its business sites to realize an eco-friendly green factory.
A separate energy reducing TFT is constructed and an automatic power saving system that prevents idling of produciton facilities is introduced to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.
As such, the automobile industry is fulfilling its social responsibilities by forming an eco-friendly value chain. Their efforts to reduce carbon throughout the car’s life cycle continue.
All automotive parts which Mando Aftermarket produces, should be transported to Europe, Russia, Africa and Central Asia with the help of Turkey
In addition to the automotive industry, the Halla Group carries out activities in many other areas. These include, for example, shipbuilding, education and sports.
One of the largest brands in the automotive supply industry is Mando Aftermarket, which is part of the South Korean Halla Corporation Europe.
This event was organized by one of the largest purchasing groups in the world called Nexus, with which we cooperate.